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Hare Hare Hare Hare Hare Hare Har

Prosperity Meditation


Put the hand in place by placing one hand on top of the other at the HEART CENTER - THE SOLAR PLEXUS BELOW THE HEART level the right hand on top for a man and the left is on the top for a woman.

Thumbs are pointed out and away from the body.


The right hand is on the top for a man
The left hand is on the top for a woman

Smile as you say

Hare Hare Hare Hare Hare Har.

(ha sound like like' ha ha ha' - re sounds like redo or relief)

(the r at the end of har is long harrrr)

ha re

Focus the eyes up to the third eye about two and one half fingers above the
base of the nose and see a field of green

This is the green growing energy of the creator.
The power to grow

Prosperity is physical, mental and spiritual.